Sunday, October 21, 2012

Homemade Window Cleaner!

I love to save money, and get a lot of great deals using coupons!  I got 8 bottles of this Heinz white vinegar for free a couple of months ago at Target.  I knew I could find something to use it in!  After the kiddo decided to clean my entire house with the bottle of Windex I had, it left me with nothing to clean the windows!  When you have a dog like this:

A dog who constantly scratches on my back sliding glass door with his muddy feet - I NEED window cleaner!

So realizing I had run out, I googled a vinegar based window cleaner and came up with THIS window cleaning recipe.  Easy Peasy!  I wish I had taken a photo of my back door before and after I used this - it worked very well - which is saying alot - this dog is a MESS!  What's even better is how inexpensive it was!  The vinegar was free, water is free (well except for that pesky water bill I get every month!) and the rubbing alcohol was under $1. CHEAP! 

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