Monday, May 27, 2013

Healthy kiddo lunch

I am so grateful that my daughter enjoys eating so healthy - don't get me wrong - she's A.D.D.I.C.T.E.D to chocolate, but the good by far outweighs the bad.  Here is her lunch for school tomorrow.  Noodles with italian dressing, peas, the white of a hard boiled egg, cherry tomatoes, carrots and an applesauce.  I think she may be just as addicted to these Go Go SqueeZ applesauce pouches as she is to chocolate.  We go through about 2 dozen a week!  All of this is packed in a Lunch Bot quad stainless steel box that you can purchase HERE on Amazon!

Spinach Mushroom Quiche

First off, let me say that Paula Deen will be proud of this recipe.  Who doesn't put a stick of butter in a quiche?  It's organic butter - so that totally makes it ok, right?  RIGHT?!  Yeah, I didn't think so either....

So I have this big tub of Spinach leaves sitting in the fridge, and no salad dressing to put on it to make a salad (somehow I managed to leave that at work), so I needed to come up with something to use up a large part of it.   So I pulled some mushrooms, garlic, eggs and cheese out of the refrigerator and threw them together into a quick quiche.  Let's hope my husband doesn't disappoint and will eat quiche like a REAL man! 

Let's get started....

For the crust I made this Quick n Easy Quiche Crust recipe I found on All Recipes.  I used whole wheat flour instead of white flour.  It came together very easily and baked well throughout the quiche baking process. 

Next I melted a stick (yes, yes I know...a stick?!) of butter in a large skillet and sauteed an average size container of washed and chopped mushrooms along with 3 finely chopped cloves of garlic.  When the mushrooms started softening up I threw in a couple large handfuls of spinach leaves.  I let them cook down for a minute or two.

Then I added in about 1/3 cup of crumbled feta cheese and 1/2 cup of shredded monterey jack cheese.

Stir all of this together until the cheese melts a bit and then transfer it into the unbaked crust.  

In a separate mixing bowl, I whisked together 1/2 cup of 2% milk and 3 large eggs along with some freshly ground salt and pepper.  Pour the egg mixture over the spinach mixture, making sure the two incorporate into each other - I used a fork to kind of mixed the two together in the pie crust.  

Place in the preheated 375 degree oven for 15 minutes.  I then took the quiche out (it's beginning to smell fantastic in the kitchen by this point!) and sprinkle about a cup of the monterey jack cheese on top and returned it to the oven for approximately 40 more minutes, or until it is set in the center.  Let it cool for 10 to 15 minutes before eating.  

I can't tell you how amazing this smells as it's sitting on the stove cooling off! 

Even the husband loves it!  I call this a success!


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Red, White and Blueberry Trifle from Skinny Taste!

I made this dessert last year for the fourth of July and it was amazing!  So amazing that it was gone before my husband even got to try it! 

Last year I couldn't find the white chocolate pudding that the recipe calls for so I just used vanilla pudding mix. This year, however, I did find the white chocolate flavor at my local Kroger.  It tastes divine!    I did not go the fat free/sugar free route that the recipe suggests, by the way - no one but me is on a diet! My husband can't afford to lose any more weight due to my dietary changes! You can find the recipe for this amazingly yummy trifle over at the Skinny Taste website.  I promise you won't be disappointed!

Spelt Banana Bread from The Healthy Foodie

Spelt flour is new to me, as this is only the 2nd time I've ever baked with it.  Baking just hasn't been as enjoyable for me as when I used to use white flour and white sugar in everything I made!  My/our tastebuds were so attuned to those flavors that using the "healthy alternatives" has taken some getting used to.  This morning I noticed the 4 semi mushy bananas that a certain unnamed 6 year old begged for at the grocery store last week, but neglected to eat, I decided to make some banana bread.  I googled whole wheat and/or spelt flour banana bread recipes and I came across this one for Spelt Banana Bread over at The Healthy Foodie.  Afterall, she promised that it was the last banana bread recipe I'd ever need - it had to be good!    I was pleased with how well this bread baked and set up, and the flavor is quite nice.  I figured it would taste quite strongly of cinnamon having 2 teaspoons worth in a single loaf - but to be honest I didn't even notice it once it was baked!   Is it as amazing as my old go-to Betty Crocker original white flour banana bread?  Not really - but  it shouldn't taste the same - I'm not using the same over processed, sugared up, GMO laden ingredients.  This is back to the basics goodness, and I'm glad I tried it.  The husband even ate some on one of his trips through the kitchen this morning and said it was good - that's a good sign!

Veggie Wrap!

Since being new to this whole (as much as I can afford) organic lifestyle - one that includes eating WAY less meat - I was on the lookout for something easy to put together for lunch.  I made up something today that had much more flavor than I expected and was very satisfying!  
 Locally,  I've found Kroger has the largest selection of organic items.  I found these Ezekiel 4:9 sprouted whole grain tortillas this morning in the organic freezer section.   I was quite surprised at their relatively mellow flavor, I think I expected something more overwhelming, but I was very pleased with them and will most definitely be buying them again.  I then layered on some veggie goodness!  Kroger's Simply Truth organic triple bean blend, Simple Truth spinach leaves, Athenos spicy 3 pepper hummus (this part is a must to give it a kick of flavor!), feta cheese crumbles, Simple Truth frozen edamame, and some chopped up avocado!  Rolled it up into a wrap - and it was rather amazing!  Whole grains, protein, veggies - you really can't ask for more in a lunch wrap!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Mini Muffins

Here I go again using Planter's Nut-rition peanut butter in a recipe!  This time I did so because of it's strong banana flavor.  The recipe I used for these muffins asks for 3 large bananas and I only had 2 medium size rather than use the butter in the recipe, I subbed it out with 1/3 cup melted Nut-rition in the Banana Granola Nut flavor.  I also added a chocolate chip to the top of each muffin for kicks. 
You can find the recipe I used HERE.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Peanut Butter Brownie Bites!

As I posted before - I love a good deal at the grocery store!  During a sale at Kroger I was able to score some Betty Crocker Shake -N- Pour Brownie Mixes for a fantastic price!  Since I was having the Planter's Nut-rition House Party this weekend, I figured I would try and incorporate one of these mixes into the party food.  I ended up making 2 dozen brownie bites in a mini muffin tin.  I baked them according to package directions for 13 minutes.  I actually preferred them in this mini form, as opposed to the 8x8 pan size - they seemed more moist.  Now I had to add peanut butter - what better way than in the FROSTING!  Peanut butter frosting is my all time favorite!

I used a recipe I've been using for the last couple of years-
I cut the recipe size in half for this, and still had quite a bit left over.

1/4 cup softened butter
1/2 cup peanut butter - in this case I used Planter's Nut-rition Berry Nut flavor
1 cup powdered sugar
2 Tablespoons milk

I mixed these all in my kitchen aid until it was smooth (well smooth except for the tiny bits of peanut and cranberries!).  I then filled up a piping bag with a very large tip and piped some frosting on top of each one.  Yum!